
Watergate @ Landmark

Project Details

The renovation of the indoor pool, locker and fitness facilities, gave the association the appeal that was lacking, while bringing the facility into the 21st century. The existing facilities, dating to the early 80’s, were demolished, leaving only the existing pool in place. New locker rooms with saunas were constructed. What had been segregated fitness rooms were combined into one large room, with oversized windows providing daylight from the indoor pool, full length mirrors and all new equipment provided the full update. In the pool area, handicapped access was provided, new lighting, painted and stain grade trim along with ceramic tile were added as accents and the concrete deck received a new decorative faux finish, providing a much more inviting amenity. All work was performed during the summer outdoor pool season, completing the work in time to open after Labor Day.

Project Team

Watergate at Landmark Unit Owners Association Client
Barry Dunn & Associates Architect