
Matthew Shea
Mr. Shea manages the business of Hubert Construction, through his highly qualified management team insuring that the expectations of our clients are not only met but exceeded, while also meeting the goals of the business plan. His leadership and foresight in financial management, pre-construction management, business development and construction management provide the tools for the Hubert team to service and perform with the tradition of integrity for which the company was founded. In particular, his ability to effectively communicate with clients, subcontractors, consultants and employees is highly respected and is the backbone of his leadership.
Mr. Shea has successfully completed numerous projects in the Washington Metropolitan Area. These projects include senior living facilities, flex office buildings, parking garages and office buildings Matt received his B.S. in Civil Engineering, from Villanova University.

Executive Vice President
Scott Hallam
Mr. Hallam is responsible for construction operations and the results of each client’s project. Through the project management staff, he oversees and monitors construction schedules and progress, personnel assignments, budgets and costs, subcontractors and the on time delivery of a high quality projects. His management responsibilities include client communications with a heavy focus on project expectations and ensuring that the goals and philosophies set by the project team are present in every project. Additionally, he communicates with subcontractors and suppliers to ensure that all team members have the same approach to the project and that each project is delivered with the Hubert trademark. Upon completion of each project he takes the lead to insure that close out is expedited and performed thoroughly.
Mr. Hallam has over 15 years of construction experience. He started with Hubert Construction as a Project Manager in 2002 and was quickly promoted to Senior Project Manager. In 2006, he was promoted to Project Executive and was responsible for managing a team of Project Managers, Assistant Project Managers, and Superintendents for our base building commercial department. January 2009 he started his new role in Hubert as the Executive Vice President. Mr. Hallam’s projects experience range in sizes from 20,000 S.F. to 200,000 S.F. and site work over 20 acres. He has managed the construction of recreation facilities, office buildings, laboratories, skilled nursing facilities, K-12 schools, hospitals and public utility plants.